Big Changes Need Big Data 

On June 1, 2021, SoFi became a publicly-traded company on the Nasdaq Global Market (Nasdaq). Just over six months later, on January 18, 2022, SoFi was granted a national bank charter. This period of high-stakes decisions and operational scrutiny required a clear and accurate view into many things, including SoFi’s Member Service Teams quality assurance data. The SoFi team required visibility into this QA data at every level of the business, from C-suite, to manager, to analyst, to agent. 

How did SoFi intend to provide for such a diverse and complex need for data visibility?

SoFi partnered with Playvox. Our agent optimization suite provides a platform for diverse teams to conduct critical quality control and visualize data in an agent-centric way. Advanced data tools, such as Insights offerings, elevate valuable insights above the background noise of thousands of everyday customer interactions.

With their member-oriented data goals in mind, Playvox worked with SoFi to build out the reporting their diverse department leaders needed during this exciting time of transition. 

Diverse Teams Need Customized Reporting 

The SoFi Member Service team serves multiple business areas and operational groups. Critical compliance indicators are a key metric for each team. SoFi’s large array of product offerings and associated departments all have unique goals. What they all have in common, however, is the need to access QA performance data on one platform. 

Prior to Playvox, accessing specific and relevant data for individual teams was a complex task. Hours of manual work was required to drill down into useful information. How did SoFi utilize Playvox to capture the best of both worlds?

SoFi’s QA team captures feedback from multiple support channels and communicates constructive coaching directly to agents, team leads, and managers. Playvox’s customizable QA forms track compliance indicators across multiple departments. The SoFi team was able to streamline their QA forms during the Insights implementation stage to better target the data relevant to their immediate needs. Playvox’s QA forms are easy to use and edit, enabling the team to pivot when needed without hassle.

Data Needs Context

QA data is captured on a team and department level before being combined and contextualized through broader reporting. Key metrics are transformed into relevant dashboards and individualized reports by each line of business. Stakeholders have the ability to drill down into departmental compliance data quickly and efficiently.

An initial six-month visualization of historic data helped give the SoFi team insights into what their business-critical KPIs could be going into 2022. This would not have been possible without a unified platform approach, which captured vital data and visualized it in intuitive ways. 

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The Right Data Needs the Right People 

From the beginning, SoFi’s operations team emphasized visibility at all levels of the business, especially executive stakeholders. Leadership teams have the option to drill in or filter down to specific KPIs and zoom out to view the broader performance picture. SoFi’s QA analysts are able to execute on the needs of leadership and deliver easily consumable data straight from the Playvox platform. As a result, SoFi’s leadership is empowered to make the right decisions at the right time with data they trust.

SoFi has accomplished fantastic growth. In doing so, they have excelled at supporting their most valuable partners — their members who use SoFi’s financial tools — helping millions of people work toward financial independence and well-being. 

Any opinions expressed in this content are those of Playvox. SoFi does not provide, endorse, or guarantee any third-party product, service, information, or recommendations.  Playvox is solely responsible for its products and services.

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