What Should I Be Doing As A Quality Analyst In Digital Customer Service?

What Should I Be Doing As A Quality Analyst In Digital Customer Service?

As a quality assurance specialist in customer service, you play a crucial role in your contact center’s success. You have the power to improve customer experiences as part of an ongoing quality assurance program. Without your expertise, the management team may not understand where agents are struggling and they may face challenges in achieving excellent…

7 Key Skills Your Contact Center QA Analyst Should Have

7 Key Skills Your Contact Center QA Analyst Should Have

You’ve hired quality assurance analysts to help your contact center agents improve their customer service. You’ve introduced them to the team, incorporated them into your everyday processes, and are eagerly awaiting the fruits of their labor. But while the foundation for success is laid, contact center key performance indicators need to be applied to your…

How to Structure Your Customer Service Team

How to Structure Your Customer Service Team

Customer experience is one of the most important differentiators among brands — a positive customer experience helps brands stand out in a crowded marketplace. A study by Forrester in 2021 revealed that companies that delivered ease for customers and emotionally oriented service saw a marked increase in their customer service index score.  Building a customer…

5 Most Effective Types Of Quality Assurance Reports

5 Most Effective Types Of Quality Assurance Reports

Reporting is a key part of a transformative quality assurance program. Effective QA reports empower you with different types of data in a fast, user-friendly format. You can view changes in performance, progression of your employees, and overall impact of quality assurance on your team without having to scour pages of complex information yourself. Reviewing…

CX Culture

No contact center can afford to neglect its quality assurance (QA) process

We all know what’s it’s like to be put on hold for several minutes, wondering how much longer we’ll have to wait before someone finally answers the phone. The best contact centers work hard to accommodate large volumes of calls and minimize the amount of time you spend in a queue, but sometimes even a…