6 Great Customer Experience Examples You Can Easily Implement in Your Contact Center

6 Great Customer Experience Examples You Can Easily Implement in Your Contact Center

Customer experience is a top differentiation metric for companies today. A great customer experience is important for the sustained growth of any business or brand. It promotes customer loyalty, helps retain current customers, and encourages brand advocacy.  According to a recent Trustpilot study, “A totally satisfied customer contributes 2.6 times as much revenue as a…

Quality Assurance For Salesforce: Tips To Up Your Game With QA

Quality Assurance For Salesforce: Tips To Up Your Game With QA

Are you tired of using spreadsheets to do quality assurance for Salesforce? QA platform, such as Playvox, that integrates with your CRM, makes it quick and easy to create QA dashboards. It allows you to do all your QA from one central location. Oversee your entire team’s stats from one user-friendly board.

The 27 Quality Assurance Questions For Customer Service You Need To Ask

The 27 Quality Assurance Questions For Customer Service You Need To Ask

With the customer driving today’s business practices, a good customer service survey is a necessity.  Given its importance, how do you know what quality assurance questions for customer service exceed expectations?  It all starts by asking the right ones. Your customer service surveys should always be short and to the point. Your customers are happy…

CX Culture

Age Of The Customer: What Does It Mean For You And Your Customers?

What is The Age of the Customer? According to Forrester Research, this term describes the latest in a series of changes in how we do business. The Age of Manufacturing (1900 to 1960) supported companies such as Boeing and Ford. The Information Age (1990 to 2010) advantaged those who controlled the flow of information, such…

CX Culture

21 Customer Service Blogs You Need To Be Following In 2018

We’re living in what’s been dubbed “The Age of the Customer.” Customer service blogs can be a valuable resource to keep you informed on all the latest advances in technology and customer experience. They can tell you about the latest research in customer expectations and help you train your staff.

CX Culture

Culture of Candor: How Honest Feedback Boosts Productivity

In successful organizations, there is a candor imperative. We expect uncompromising honesty from our team members, and, in theory, we know transparent behavior is a critical dynamic in all healthy cultures. But, as a leader, our attitude toward a culture of candor may be skewed, calling into question the balance of candor in our organizations…

22 Customer Service Interview Questions You Need To Be Asking

22 Customer Service Interview Questions You Need To Be Asking

The first step to providing excellent customer service and CX is to hire the right people for the job. As the team leader, this is a critical part of your position.  Interview processes sometimes feel more like a formality. But by asking the right questions, you can pull out more valuable information about the candidates,…