Championing Diversity: Best Practices to Promote Inclusion and Belonging in the Workplace

Championing Diversity: Best Practices to Promote Inclusion and Belonging in the Workplace

In June, we proudly celebrate Pride Month where we walk alongside the LGBTQ+ community, commemorating and celebrating the advances in human rights issues that allow everyone to feel free and safe anywhere. Creating more spaces to learn about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in the workplace is a constant task that involves us all,…

The Power of Human Connection in Digital Customer Service

The Power of Human Connection in Digital Customer Service

Consumers prefer to go digital in just about every aspect of their lives, including their business and brand interactions. That’s why companies are increasingly investing in digital transformation to serve consumers, meet their expectations, and stay competitive. But what exactly does digital customer service entail, and how can you make it truly effective? In this…

Forecasting and Scheduling: Adapting to the New Normal

Forecasting and Scheduling: Adapting to the New Normal

Before 2020, contact center forecasting and scheduling was considered more of an art than a science. No two schedules were the same, and lots of intuition and calculations went into building a winning formula. However, since then, changing scheduling dynamics have added layers of complexity to deriving accurate and optimal schedule forecasts. To stay current…

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Agent Retention Strategies: Beyond the Basics

Contact centers are the cornerstone of your company’s customer service experience. Yet, help desk, support staff, and contact center agent retention remains a serious and unresolved challenge for many organizations.  According to Gartner, high levels of disengagement lead to increased costs, as well as poor employee and customer outcomes. The research finds that disengaged representatives…

How Running a Marathon Will Inspire Your Contact Center Team

How Running a Marathon Will Inspire Your Contact Center Team

Global Running Day celebrates the history of running. It highlights the runners’ skills, challenges, and the passion of those who have chosen this discipline as a hobby or profession. On the occasion of this global celebration held in June, we bring together the stories of three running enthusiasts at Playvox who conquer marathons worldwide and…

The Power of Recognition in the Workplace

The Power of Recognition in the Workplace

Recognition in the workplace goes beyond acknowledging your agents for their hard work. Recognition is a work culture that can help any employee in any organization feel valued and supported. When agents feel truly recognized, they are more likely to feel more engaged and improve their performance. Even though keeping your agents motivated can sometimes…

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Innovating Agent  Experience in the Modern Contact Center

Is your contact center a leader or follower when it comes to innovating agent experience? Think about the definition of innovation, then ask, “How does my contact center and leadership stack up?” Innovation is defined as “the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and…

Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Contact Centers

Flexible Work Arrangements: The Future of Contact Centers

The future of work is an important topic of discussion for business leaders. While we can’t know for sure what the future of work will look like, one thing seems certain—flexible work is a major component in achieving satisfaction among the modern workforce.  Since the COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes toward ongoing remote, hybrid, and flexible work…

Why Consumers Increasingly Demand Digital Customer Service

Why Consumers Increasingly Demand Digital Customer Service

In today’s digital age, the customer service landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by shifting customer preferences and expectations. More than ever, customers are turning to digital channels when interacting with businesses, prompting a fundamental change in how contact centers operate and engage with their audience. In this article, we explore the reasons behind the increasing…

Why Contact Center Agents Leave and How to Keep Them

Why Contact Center Agents Leave and How to Keep Them

Contact center agent turnover rates across the industry continue to clock in between 30 and 45 percent annually, with no signs of improvement. For businesses, this revolving door creates significant efficiency, productivity, and financial challenges, not to mention the day-to-day impact on morale.  The simple fact is that hiring and training new agents costs more…