Contact Center Feedback Questions To Get The Most from Your Customer Voice

Contact Center Feedback Questions To Get The Most from Your Customer Voice

Data is the modern language of the call center. From FCR and abandonment rates to average handling time and QWT, acronyms and numbers often tell the story of the customer experience (Okay, I made that last one up just to see if you were paying attention). But what about the story that the customer himself…

Top 5 Preferred Customer Service Channels

Top 5 Preferred Customer Service Channels

Improving customer support in your contact center begins with being active on your customers’ preferred customer service channels. It’s all about meeting people where they are. If your customers are Twitterholics, you need to have stellar social media support. If the majority of your customer base is interested in chatting with a representative before making…

How To Create a Feedback Culture In Your Call Center

How To Create a Feedback Culture In Your Call Center

An atmosphere of optimism in the workplace encourages employee growth and increased performance. But a negative, hyper-competitive environment can stunt the growth of individual employees and lead to higher turnover rates. One of the best ways to boost employee morale and establish a happier workplace environment is with an effective feedback culture. A culture of…

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Delivering outstanding customer care and experiences is a number-one priority for many C-suite executives and business leaders. But finding and retaining outstanding agents, creating operational efficiencies, and implementing omnichannel technology solutions requires a high-wire balancing act for contact center leaders. Before you throw your arms up in despair (and don’t look down!), we’ve curated six…