Call Reduction Strategies for Better Channels and CX

Call Reduction Strategies for Better Channels and CX

Let’s face it: waiting on hold for customer service doesn’t lead to a good experience. We’ve all been down that road too many times—waiting on our phones, multitasking in the background. The cheesy on-hold music. The automated messages on repeat breaking into the cheesy music. Obsessively checking your phone display to see just how long…

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Improve Contact Center Agent Efficiency: 6 Tips For Success

Delivering outstanding customer care and experiences is a number-one priority for many C-suite executives and business leaders. But finding and retaining outstanding agents, creating operational efficiencies, and implementing omnichannel technology solutions requires a high-wire balancing act for contact center leaders. Before you throw your arms up in despair (and don’t look down!), we’ve curated six…