See faster CX improvements with Playvox and Salesforce

Streamline your WFM and Quality Management efforts by fully integrating with Salesforce to max out the power of your investment.


Playvox Workforce Management (WFM) ROI Calculator

Want to calculate your ROI with just a 1% improvement when using Playvox WFM? Click Here to get started.

Bring Playvox WFM and QM efficiency right into Salesforce

Playvox WFM for Salesforce provides AI- driven forecasts & schedules for all of your Salesforce channels (voice, email, chat, etc.). Get real-time visibility into your operations within your Salesforce Console. Install Playvox WFM here

Playvox QM for Salesforce connects your user and omnichannel interaction data, and provides a unified QM solution that includes evaluation, coaching, and gamification. Install Playvox QM here

Deliver consistent CX in one platform

Integrate Playvox and Salesforce to easily staff and evaluate your chat, email, support tickets, and voice interactions in one spot. Put the right team members with the right skills in the channels your customers demand.

Get more efficient in every area of your operations

React to changes in your omnichannel contact center instantly by moving agents where they’re needed most. Help agents improve the service and experience they provide with relevant coaching in the moment to keep customers coming back.

Lower recruiting, onboarding, and planning costs

Use automated forecasting and scheduling to get your staffing right every day and avoid unnecessary hiring and training costs. Reduce manual WFM processes to let your team leaders focus on their high-priority work.

Playvox WEM allows for easier, more effective work
for every employee, everywhere.