Cost-savings integrations with Zendesk

Get every ounce of efficiency from Zendesk Support and Zendesk Chat with no-hassle, prebuilt integrations to Playvox Quality or Workforce Management.


Why are QM and WFM for Zendesk better together?

Playvox Workforce Engagement Management delivers the best of Quality and Scheduling. When you integrate them with Zendesk, you have a powerful way to level up efficiency and CX at the same time.

Workforce Management for Zendesk

Forecast, schedule, and monitor your workforce in real time to avoid over- or under-staffing by:

  • Capturing agent activity as they work on tickets or phone calls
  • Providing a view of agents’ current scheduled tasks and start times
  • Integrating with Zendesk Talk to synchronize Talk availability based on current task selected

Quality Management for Zendesk

Our apps for Zendesk Support and Zendesk Chat:

  • Monitor service quality easily
  • Solve costly issues faster and drive continuous improvement through in-system coaching
  • Send targeted training to improve CX and customer sentiment
  • Recognize and reward your team based on their results

Bidirectional Syncing with Zendesk

Keep all relevant data updated in Zendesk and Playvox, allowing agents to track their performance for:

  • Number of evaluations
  • Overall QA score
  • Number of errors
  • Percentage of records signed

Playvox WEM allows for easier, more effective work
for every employee, everywhere.